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Youthwork magicians academy

About the project

The project is transnational network for exchange of best practices aimed to build the capacity of UKRAINE AND GEORGIA youth NGOs to work with the local youth and transfer the best practices from EU in their youth work. The project is designed by a consortium of experienced EU partners and lead youth organisations from Ukraine and Georgia and is a set of virtual networking and collaboration, on-line and field fellowships involving training courses, conferences and mobilities for both youth workers and young leaders. All events are transnational. The events are open to youth SCOs managers, decision makers and project managers from each partner and external SCOs. They pass transnational trainings for FELLOWSHIP promotion and management, and work for 12 months on promotion, management and implementation and evaluation with both key mentors of the project, stakeholders and the fellows themselves. In the process they improve project management, networking, training skills and intercultural capacity. They work on both local assignments and this transnational project as each fellow promoter communicates with at least 150 external SCOs, experts, stakeholders and policymakers. Second type of fellowships /based on 12 joint programes/ aims at the brightest and most motivated youth workers and youth leaders – 200 at least from the 6 countries. It is highly competitive and has: 1 kick off, interim and on-line 6 month training module, followed by 6 month job shadowing from lead experts of all project partners. The project strategy involves the use of OER, on-line mentorship support and on-line forums as well as research and network activity.

Project partners:
